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Hi and assalamualaikum everyone! 😸 In this entry, I want to write about my cats. 🐈🐈🐈 So, in 2015, when I was in my form 4, I managed to persuade my father to have a cat at our home. I still remember the day I took my first cat to our home. She was about 3 months old. We named her as Alicia. She is a black and white cat.  Since the day we took her to our home, she is the 'happy pill' to everyone in the house. She brings joy and happiness to us and she also make us feel calmer when we are facing a problem and stress. After a year we have Alicia in our life, I, one more time managed to persuade my father to take another cat to our home (hehehehe) . This time, we named her as Damia. She is also a black and white cat.  At first, our first cat, Alicia was a bit jealous with the present of the new cat, but now they are like siblings. They like to groom each other and sometimes they will sleep together 😻😻😻 p/s : this post make me miss homee 😭

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