Creating A Thinking Map...

Hi and assalamualaikum everyone! 😏

In this entry, I want to share my experience making a mind map for Computer Science subject!

For the second Computer Science lab activities, I need to produce a thinking map based on the second chapter that I learned which is Computer System.

Before we started to make the thinking map, our lecturer, Madam Fatin, divided us into a group of 4. After that, she gave each group 2 thinking maps to be explain on the function of the thinking maps.
So, for my group, we got circle map and also a bubble map. Then, we were given some time to search about the function of each of the map. After all the discussion, we need to present our point in front of the class. 

After we were all knew about the function and how to use the thinking maps, then only we can make the thinking map. So, each and everyone of us need to make 3 thinking maps to be submitted to our lecturer. As for me, I choose bubble map, flow map and a circle map.

Here is the thinking maps that I have made 😉

Bubble map to describe Unicode

Flow map to show the Information Processing Cycle

Circle map to show the types of logic gate

Alrighttttt, this is all for this entry, I'll see you guys on the next entry. Bye! 💙

