I'm Producing A Brochure?!

Hi and assalamualaikum world! 😁

As you guys know, that I am studying in KMS now. So, I'm in module 3 which I need to learn about Computer Science instead of Physics. So. for the first assignment for Computer Science lab activities, I need to produce an attractive brochure about the first chapter I learned in this subject. Annnnnnd it was about Introduction to Information Technology!

I need to finish the brochure within week 1 until week 3. At first, I was a bit confused on how to produce a brochure because it was my first time producing it. So, it took me quite some time to have the idea on how to do it. But, alhamdulillah, at last I managed to finish the brochure and submit my assignment just in time! 😀

In the brochure, I choose 'The Overview of IT' as the content for the brochure. So, in the brochure, I state the definition of IT, the advantages and disadvantages for IT and also the application of IT. 

And agaiiin, alhamdulillah I got full mark my first assignment (hehehe thank you madam!) .

So this is the brochure that I managed to produce within week 1 until week 3 😄

Okay, that's all for this time, bye! 

